Hire Me

If you’re trying to design experiences that help others to engage with your work, I can help. I’ve previously built or advised on:

  • Interactive online courses – called AI Safety Fundamentals – which I delivered to 1,500+ people with BlueDot Impact, and the materials for which were reused by many other groups.
  • In-person educational workshops for UK Civil Servants, on similar material.
  • AI Governance Talks events with speakers from top think tanks, and 100 participants.
  • A technical Model Evaluations Workshop with Apollo AI and the Centre for the Governance of AI.

I’m offering consulting services to help you to get started with any of the following:

  • Building educational courses.
  • Workshop design.
  • Anything else you think I can help you with.

To learn more about how educational courses can benefit field building, read this post.

Email consulting@jamiebernardi.com to learn how we can work together. Just let me know what you’re working on and what help you think you might be looking for. Have a low bar for reaching out – I’m happy to chat before we commit to anything.

How I can help you

I am open to consulting on engagement experiences in most domains, however my subject matter expertise are in AI safety (both the policy and technical sides). I’m most excited about working on socially-beneficial projects, and can offer flexibility in fees for impactful projects with a limited budget.

If I’m a non-expert in your domain, I’ll be very well placed to ask you probing questions! If and when you can explain your field to me, you can explain it to anyone in your target audience.

Here are some of the aspects of engagement design that I can help you with:

  • Target audience. Who are you trying to engage and why? How do you tailor your message to different audiences?
  • Content development. What materials do you need to use to explain your idea, without overwhelming participants?
  • Presentation. What online platform or in-person materials should you use to deliver your experience?
  • Tools. What are the best tools to use to manage your course?
  • Logistics. How do you engage with people participating in your course to make sure they do the readings on time, and follow the course to completion?
  • Marketing. How will you get people talking about and doing your course? Where should you promote it?
  • Community building. How can you make sure people on your course are engaging with each other organically, and remain connected to others interested in your field?

Ways of working together

My amount of involvement with your project is flexible. We can vary the amount of my input from providing templates, pointers and feedback, all the way to potentially drafting your content, or organising co-working sessions where we build your course together.

I charge per hour, so we can vary the input depending on your budget and you’ll pay for what you get.


How baked does my idea / workshop / area of research need to be to drive engagement?

There only has to be interest amongst some group of people.

If your field doesn’t have much content yet, engaging together might be a great way to help prioritise what content you need to create first to explain your idea.

If you’re not sure who might be interested in your idea, we can initially work together to help define your target audience.

What’s the value in working together, over me trying to build my engagement myself?

You can always develop a course, workshop or field building experience by yourself. I certainly won’t claim anything I know is an industry secret, however I do expect that working with me will help you run a better course and will be a more efficient experience for you than starting from scratch.

In part that’s because of templates I can provide you that mirror documents that have previously worked for me, and help guide you through them, and in part it’s due to an accumulation of tacit knowledge I gained whilst running courses and workshops in-person and online.

I can also offer accountability, giving you concrete next steps to make your course happen, and help unblock you with issues that get you stuck. I can also offer advice on how to satisfice and perfect the iterative development to get your course to market as soon as possible without wasting time perfecting what usually amount to ‘details’.

If I’m interested in an online course, should I contact BlueDot Impact?

For context, I was a co-founder at BlueDot Impact which is an education charity in a similar space.

You’re welcome to reach out to BlueDot Impact! I am still involved in advisory capacity. In some cases it may make most sense to work with BlueDot Impact directly.

I offer this service for courses and ideas that BlueDot Impact don’t have time to prioritise – this usually isn’t personal, more a feature of organisational focus (which I strongly endorse). Or you might be interested in an in-person experience, which is quite different to what BlueDot focuses on.

The way I’m framing the difference is BlueDot Impact is working depth-wise, to create a few really excellent experiences that drive a lot of engagement. I will however work breadth-wise: giving some starter advice and sharing best practice with as many people as I can, to try to bring up the general quality of education in different parts of the AI safety space (and elsewhere, if I can help). I believe there are still plenty of ideas and courses that are worth putting out into the world, and want to share the skills I have that will help you do that if I can.

Email consulting@jamiebernardi.com to learn how we can work together. Just let me know what you’re working on and what help you think you might be looking for.